Mental Health and Wellbeing at Hartshead
Mental Health and wellbeing is everyone's responsibility. As a school, Hartshead is in a unique position, we are able to help prevent mental health problems by promoting resilience as part of an integrated, whole school approach that is tailored to the needs of our pupils.
A whole school approach is one that goes beyond the teaching in the classroom to pervade all aspects of school life, including:
• culture, ethos and environment: the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff is promoted through the ‘hidden’ or ‘informal’ curriculum, including leadership practice, the school’s policies, values and attitudes, together with the social and physical environment;
• teaching: using the curriculum to develop pupils’ knowledge about health and wellbeing; and
• partnerships with families and the community: proactive engagement with families, outside agencies, and the wider community to promote consistent support for children’s health and wellbeing
Hartshead Care Crew
The Care Crew are pupils who are available at lunchtimes and breaktimes to ensure that there is always someone to listen. The Care Crew will ensure that children speak to a trusted adult when they are sad, scared or worried.
Finding support for mental health and wellbeing
At Hartshead Junior and Infant School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils, staff parents and carers. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and, at times, anyone may need additional emotional support.
Below is a directory outlining some of the services that are available. Please also see the Spenborough Community Hub, of the school website, page for further information.
We are always available to speak to you about your or your families mental health and can signpost you to support.
The Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Pathway at Hartshead Junior and Infant School
At Hartshead we have developed this pathway in order for our staff to understand the systems and processes in order to support our children.
The Menopause
It is recognised now more than ever that menopause should be acknowledge in the workplace as an employer’s legal obligation under Health and Safety at Work legislation. Steps should be put in place to manage all stages of menopause positively; this will benefit all staff members by offering clear guidance and information for all to follow. Please find our menopause policy below.