School Information
Where a child requires prescribed medication on a regular basis, i.e. inhalers, long term condition medication – school will administer to the child – this will be through prior agreement with parent/carers and following the appropriate paperwork being completed.
Where a child requires prescribed medication over a short-term period (that exceeds three doses a day) and it would cause issues for a parent/carer to attend school to administer – i.e. due to work commitments etc. the school will administer to the child – this will be through prior agreement with parents/carers and following the appropriate paperwork being completed. Please contact the School Office for more details. - the form to be completed is included below for convenience.
Milk and Water
All children may have a third of a pint of semi-skimmed milk each day. Pupils who partake in the ’Milk for Schools Scheme’ benefit from a subsidy from the Intervention Board. This represents a significant reduction in the actual cost of milk. Water is provided for all children. Chilled water is available from coolers positioned at two points around the school.
We are a cashless school, payment for school meals, trips and clubs are made on the online system called Parentpay. The Parents' Association often run events where cash is brought to school; in this instance it should be in an envelope with the child’s name, class, amount and the reason clearly written on the outside.
School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
The ‘School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme’ is a national government programme entitling all children between the ages of four and six to a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day. They may be given an apple, pear, banana, satsuma, carrot or cherry tomatoes. Key Stage Two children are encouraged to bring fruit from home to eat as a snack at break time.
Sweets and chewing gum should not be brought into school.