School Day
The school week is 32.5 hours. | |
School Begins |
Class 1 - 8.45am Class 2 - 8.50am Class 3 - 8:55am |
Morning Break |
10:30am to10:45am |
Lunch |
12pm to 1:00pm |
Afternoon Break (Class 1) |
2:15pm to 2.25pm |
School Finishes |
Class 1 - 3:15pm Class 2 - 3.20pm Class 3 - 3.25pm |
Please try not to bring your children to school before 8.45 a.m. Unfortunately, we do not have a drop off point and cars should not be parked on the yellow zig-zag lines between the hours of 8:30am to 9:30am and 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
Parents should walk to the gate to collect their children. There is a member of staff on the gate to ensure children do not leave school premises until their Parent/Guardian arrives. Please could you inform the school if somebody different is collecting your child.
Children who walk home alone should bring a letter of permission.
The school has assemblies on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Friday assembly is a 'Celebration Assembly', where children are rewarded for good work.